My Thoughts on Maxims for Thinking Analytically

by Dan Levy

My Thoughts on Maxims for Thinking Analytically

(affl. link)

  • book of a list of heuristics to approach situations
  • there were so many anecdotes of students of dr richard zeckhauser using these maxims it felt salesy at times
  • short read, very covid focused – black swan events and hindsight bias prevails throughout
    • however if you do have any important decisions coming up that weigh on you, you should very much filter it through these maxims
  • hard to remember to use maxims consistently until/if they become habitual
  • my favorite maxims:
  • weight errors of commission and omission equally
    • the shape of regret in our minds vs reality – what actually happened
  • reframe anticipation as happiness
    • looking forward to something is enjoyable – often we want then to be now, but we can learn to appreciate the then now too
  • uncertainty is the friend of the status quo &
  • dont judge your decisions on results
    • we want things to stay as they are in the bounds of reasonability
    • we judge ourselves on our best intentions as opposed to the facts of the matter
    • these two work together for some weird scenarios like adding features to a product just to feel like you’re doing anything at all so we can look back and say we tried