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August 28 2023

Where do you see yourself in four months?

5 losses IN A ROW before one win

Bangers only from the Readwise review today!

Write a simple test case | DeepEval
If you are interested in running a quick Colab example, you can click here.
pretty straightfwd to use – very akin to traditional unit test assertions
Alert Score | DeepEval
Alert score checks if a generated output is good or bad. It automatically checks for:
this is good! ive manually run libraries like bad-words.js to see if a input is toxic, but being able to assert if an answer is relevant && not toxic is helpful
Factual consistency is measured using natural language inference models based on the output score of the entailment class that compare the ground truth and the context from which the ground truth is done.
"James has 3 apples" and "James has fruit" would be considered an entailment.
"James only owns a car." and "James owns a bike." would be considered a contradiction.

Entailment seems like an abbreviation or rework of p > q from discrete mathematics.

Since ChatGPT's launch just nine months ago, we’ve seen teams adopt it in over 80% of Fortune 500 companies.

Wild. Seems like the null hypothesis won't really be happening lmao...

ChatGPT Enterprise removes all usage caps, and performs up to two times faster. We include 32k context in Enterprise, allowing users to process four times longer inputs or files.

make art from quote button ez clap

if (interaction.isButton()) {
    if (interaction.customId === "button_id") {
		await interaction.deferReply();
      console.log(`Button was clicked by: ${interaction.user.username}`);
      // Here you can call your function
      const { prompt, imageUrl } = await main(interaction.message.content);

	  if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) {
		await interaction.followUp(`Art Prompt (save the image it disappears in 24 hours!): ${prompt} \n Image: [(url)](${imageUrl})`);
	  } else {
		await interaction.reply(`Art Prompt (save the image it disappears in 24 hours!): ${prompt} \n Image: [(url)](${imageUrl})`);
	  // set interaction command name to aart
	  interaction.commandName = "aart";
	  await invocationWorkflow(interaction, true);

great quote abt propositional knowledge (facts) vs experiential knowledge (riding a bike) – in fact both are the same if criticism is able to be applied, you don't need to live something to know something. that is empirical error. (see: theoretical physics)

August 22 2023

New season of Hearthstone! Goodbye, next forty-eight hours.

New season of Hearthstone! Goodbye, next forty-eight hours. I'll be captive to this relentless obsession. Alongside Baldur's Gate 3, of course.

This patch, it sucks from the get-go. Bannana Slammas for life, I suppose.

broken combo
only broken enough for fourth place i suppose

The billboards up in Soho stir something within me. Something McLuhan might've coined, about the package being more valuable more than the item inside. The ads on NYC's billboards, uncountable as they are, most fade from memory like a worn-out jazz record. But their very existence on the giant sized wall, catching the eye of the odd twenty-somethings, mid-pilgrimage to their temple of Equinox, that broadcasts its own message. Sure, I could plaster an ad on some wall in a silent town but that lacks the jazz, the hum and pulse of the viewer's gaze, which makes all the difference in selling the song. Plenty artists wallow unseen, only a handful get to wallow under the spotlight.

Leaders need this one thing more than anything else: good sense. It's the same when it comes to your body, your thoughts, your work life. Be your own arbiter of good judgement.

Photos...they've been the game for me on Instagram lately, kind of like a guilty pleasure I suppose. Don't know why.

It's ludicrous when you think about how I'm using Instagram, disregarding entirely how they mapped out the service. Truly not giving a flying fuckkk. It's like a Finstagram, but taken to the logical conclusion of really only using Instagram for a glorified photo storage service. Picture it: me following no one, completely ignoring ads on the feed the company worked so hard on to build! A strange way to play, right?

But in its way, it's transformative. Instagram morphs into something else, a simple yet miraculous platform for my photos, a sanctuary. It's effortless to stick in my favorite tunes too, lending a voice to every image. And the filters? Oh, the filters. An array of options with a single, easy tap. Quite something, isn't it?

Oddly enough, I found myself the central character in some LLM tutorial – an instructional piece about using these LLMs for cold outreach on LinkedIn, of all things. Seeing this offered some clarity, unsheathing the mystery of the spam deluge that keeps finding me. Particularly from the VCs, the constant hum in the background. Leave me alone dammit!

Random post logic – all credit goes to the original creator: milkythemes!

    function loadScript(url, callback) {
    const head = document.head;
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.src = url;
    script.onreadystatechange = callback;
    script.onload = callback;

function luckyPost() {
    let ghostVersion = typeof version == 'undefined' ? 'v3.0' : version;
    let apiKey =
        typeof key == 'undefined' ?
            console.error('Ghost integration API key is missing. Please refer to documentation at') : key;

    const pageUrl = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}`;

    const api = new GhostContentAPI({
        url: pageUrl,
        key: apiKey,
        version: ghostVersion

    const postUrl = [];

    const randomBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("btn-random");
    const stringHostUrl = `[href="${pageUrl}/#rdm-post/"]`
    const randomPost = document.querySelector(stringHostUrl);
    const randomPostSelector = document.querySelectorAll('[href=""]');

    for (let i = 0; i < randomPostSelector.length; i++) {
        randomPostSelector[i].text = `Loading...`

        .browse({ limit: 250 })
        .then((posts) => {
            posts.forEach((post) => {
        .then(() => {
        const randomPostSelector = document.querySelectorAll('[href=""]');
        for (let i = 0; i < randomPostSelector.length; i++) {
            randomPostSelector[i].text = `Open Random Post!`
            randomPostSelector[i].href = `${pageUrl}/${randomUrl(postUrl)}`
        }).catch(() => {
    		const randomPostSelector = document.querySelectorAll('[href=""]');
            for (let i = 0; i < randomPostSelector.length; i++) {
                randomPostSelector[i].text = `OOPS!`
                randomPostSelector[i].href = ``

    // The randomUrl function is used to grab a random array from the list 
    function randomUrl(postUrl) {
        return postUrl[Math.floor(Math.random() * postUrl.length)];

loadScript('', luckyPost);

Tier 7 exists.


Blue Lock got dark!

big carbon copy!

Hey, the kid's scored a page on Wikipedia!

Atrioc - Wikipedia

Sticky Header for Ubud! (Put this in the code injection header)

        position: sticky;
        z-index: 1;
        top: 0;
        background: var(--background-primary);