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Technology is Not a Foregone Conclusion

Tech that provides obvious utility must first kill its hardest opponent: the status quo. Ridicule, skepticism, and apathy all take turns attempting to tear apart an idea and leave it in tatters. ^c8707a

Some unfortunate byproducts:

  • when inventions do succeed it makes tech visionaries seems cooler than they are as people -- the idea of "being proven right" is an ichor that drives many inventors into the arms of ego or pride. akin to a holy conduit who can hear the word of God to the other members of society
  • before an invention succeeds social leaders will grandstand to prevent any new inventions that challenge their incumbency
Arguably the single most graphic example of the telegraph’s superiority over conventional means of delivering messages was to come a few years later, in October 1861, with the completion of the transcontinental telegraph line across the United States to California. Before the line was completed, the only link between East and West was provided by the Pony Express, a mail delivery system involving horse and rider relays. Colorful characters like William ‘‘Buffalo Bill’’ Cody and ‘‘Pony Bob’’ Haslam took about 10 days to carry messages over the 1,800 miles between St. Joseph, Missouri and Sacramento. But as soon as the telegraph line along the route was in place, messages could be sent instantly, and the Pony Express was closed down. (Location 689)
pony bob.png
Technology isn’t destiny, no matter how inexorable its evolution may seem; the way its capabilities are used is as much a matter of cultural choice and historical accident as politics is, or fashion. (Location 11979)

All Companies Fail, But Some Have Better Reach

I don’t encourage anyone to start a company unless they really want to. Knowing what I know about running a company, I wouldn’t wish that task on anyone. There are times when people can’t find employment and starting a company seems like the best solution. But the odds are against success: Nine out of ten companies fail in five years. Of those that survive the first five years, nine out of every ten of those eventually fail as well. (Location 1225)

All companies (like empires) eventually fail. Some companies last longer than others because they find a way to adapt to the underlying problem that they solve instead of the fashion of the era. This is an example of reach (^912630) A good example is how AT&T's core competency is in communication, whether that communication is through phones or the Internet.

Companies that fail, fail to address their core problem before they burn up all of their assets or collect too many liabilities.
