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September 2 2023

A lot of calories!

Patina and Intimacy
“Each one of us has, somewhere in his heart, the dream to make a living world, a universe.” —Christopher Alexander One must encourage some level of enchantment to invite the supernatural. When nymphs dance, we picture them in idyllic settings, like forests and groves, or carousing in an orchard just…

I watch these videos, read essays like "Patina and Intimacy," and feel this curious churn inside. Somewhere in the blurry boundaries of envy, thrill, and longing. I'm envious because a lot of pictures and items in these videos and essays look bewitching, mainly because they carry the weight of time — they're worn and loved for years. Software, though, it doesn't echo the same sentiment. It gobbles up the old as it races forward, much like trap music swallowed the raw edge of old school hip hop.

Working for beauty in software is what gets me up in the morning, but I confess, my CSS skills are a bit tragic. Likewise, tools like Unity, they're not my cup of tea. So, in my own way, I am, trying to carve beauty in code, to weave unique patterns in programming, to make something beautiful out of 0 and 1.

lee meyer

August 26 2023

Hearthstone Battlegrounds has this knack, it's sticky.

T-KT goes great here

Hearthstone Battlegrounds has this knack, it's sticky. Twice, you place seventh. Tough luck, you think. Two rounds straight, both no cigar. Your mind tickles towards, what's the point? A whisper of giving it up. Then, bam, you land first or second. Pride swells. A soft glow envelops you. You're hooked. You want more. You can't stop.

These fuckers at Blizzard really nailed the Gambler's Fallacy lmao.

But unlike the casino where the house always wins, no one wins (outside of useless MMR)

another Rajiv W

bramdroid/invocation.js at main · bramses/bramdroid
Contribute to bramses/bramdroid development by creating an account on GitHub.
added user quota logic for smart commands – all stored in a local json file!

never forget sora chopping actual buildings in half like tofu

the bot auto links books now

August 23 2023

Out-of-towners often mistake Manhattan as the whole of NYC, I feel.

Out-of-towners often mistake Manhattan as the whole of NYC, I feel. Take the time to explore spots like Bay Ridge, or Cortelyou Road.

You'll find calm there, perhaps even a surprising dose of the suburban. The real perk of living in an area like Bay Ridge vs a suburb outside of Corpus Christi? A train line linking you straight to the heart of Union Square or Grand Central in under an hour.

that bass line UGHHH, this whole video is SO GOOD Some of my favorite frames (literally every still frame could be a desktop wallpaper):

When you see those tier 7 minions in your game, do me a favor, grab Tess. Just trust me on this.

your day is just starting!

Kingdom Hearts Menu Style Portfolio
~~ dearly beloved ~~


I am the one who decides.

The gallery feature on Ubud is acting up. Beats me why.

Trying out Spear in Discord. Maybe it's something that could tickle the fancy of vault members, make them feel special. Definitely can picture it being a neat bonus!

Another day done, neatly cut into boxes of time. This time block journal, it's kind of become a friend. Excited to think where I might be in a few months - maybe a master at wrestling time.

GPT helps me to write, and I like that. It’s like the words I jot down aren't my own, they’re not precious. So, when it comes to chopping them up and pruning them, I don't flinch. And, there's something cool about typing in shorthand, or even in low key, lowercase letters. GPT just takes it, and churns out sentences that sound as real as rain splattering on a windowpane.