Heist Movies Need CCTV to Work
what can we do in ten minutes? the nearly identical twin dilemma. even emperors cry.
This is a daily standup post of the work put into maintaining bramadams.dev. Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Newsletter (Sundays)
idea for issue 42 – upstream pricing in the SaaS + LLM era:
- taylorism
- llms both increasing and decreasing value of knowledge work simultaneously
- a developer is not "working on a project", the project is being passed through the developer
- these two things are different
- the same problem can be solved in many ways by different devs
- price your software as an empire
- leverage code's abstraction and composability to "world build"
- technology is upstream of possibility
- heist genre = magical realism of computers, phones, cameras
- sci-fi genre = imaginable + unreachable rules
- real world = all jobs are downstream of their purpose and the technologies they give affordance to
Software (Saturdays)
If the outputs are not provided before the expires_at
timestamp passes (roughly 10 mins past creation), the run will move to an expired status.
what can be done in ten minutes? what cant be done? nb: you can take "longer" than 10 minutes if you capture all the messages in thread, and simply create a new one. it comes down to what type of tasks are worth waiting a full youtube video are
embeddings do not suffer from scale they suffer from having fraternal twins
im all in on deliverable agents, bb
lets go forms! 2024!

<LEDA> isn't every website ever just a css'ed out form or pamphlet? if i move the pamphlet really fast, your brain might think its real, huh?

Books (5/month)
links are affiliate! if you pick up a copy, i get a little kickback!
- Supergods - 77%
- Black Rednecks & White Liberals - 58%
- Command & Control - 23%
- At Home in the Universe - 36%
- Napoleon: A Life - 49% (+3%)
- "...nobody would have believed possible such an emotion from this great man of war, however I saw them myself, these tears …"
- napoleon x alexander
- Glass Bead Game - 41%
- River of the Gods - 29% (+4%)
- shoutout to the homie Bombay
- the fabric, the man