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Straightforward Communication

She said, in her muffled voice, “The happiest thing right now is, I learned to talk openly. It works really, really well. Today, you thought I didn’t want you to come to the Space Needle, so you made a face. That’s insanity. You have to tell everybody what you want, and then ask them what they want. And if I tell you that I don’t want you to go, and you say, ‘Well, I want to go,’ then we talk about it. In relationships, too, you have to always tell what you’re thinking. Don’t hide anything. Take chances.” (View Highlight)

Communication of needs should be a course all students must attend. The plain, clear communicators I know in life have a life that is closer to their vision that their emotional state needs, and have a much easier time untangling themselves from sticky interpersonal conflict.

One of the things that make interpersonal Conflict challenging is that we can never truly control the actions of another human being. We can influence, persuade, inspire, or negotiate, but we can never directly act upon another person’s perceptions or directly change their Reference Levels. (Location 4556)

Does Fame Make You Special?

Saw Cara Delevingne and Sarah Snyder and now i don't think famous people are all that special -- they just seemed kinda… boring tbh -- and they both dated Jaden Smith, was it for clout or did they genuinely like the guy, I wonder?[1]

On the other hand, I love how Doja Cat (and others) use their body as a canvas, I respect it a lot, even if it's mainly marketing

Doja Cat on Instagram

I'm very driven by the idea of becoming a hunter in aspects of life where I have a goal to pursue, but I think so many famous people wouldn't really make the "cut" of hunter if it weren't for social proof ^dc13d3, and the unspoken game twenty-somethings play with each other 202212270339

Here's a great collection of people tinkering/creating/learning without obvious signs of social proof, but perhaps I'm biased as a person who wants everyone to own their own node on the Internet.

i love the ERYS album ↩︎