GPT UX Patterns

New UX patterns are being discovered every day!

GPT UX Patterns

As I come across (or create) new UX patterns that are enabled by GPTs, I'll put them here.

You can learn more about the near-potential of GPTs here:

Issue 42: Are GPTs Websites?
Or are they perhaps something else altogether?

(or in video):

Are GPTs Websites? [Video Version]
Video version of Issue 42

Instruction Boot Loader

First,Lucas created a "boot loader" of sorts, a way for us to keep our instruction set minimal for MapGPT.

At the start of the experience, we immediately kick off an action call to our server to fetch the "introduction" instructions. Those are quickly processed and displayed to the user...

Issue 48: The History You Miss on Your Way to Work
and the futures you create

Per-Session UUIDs

In the first action call above, we also assign users a random UUID. This UUID will follow them for the rest of the chat session. Incidentally, this gives a ChatGPT "state" as we use that ID on our server (and a Redis cache) to keep track of the data we need to feed the user...

Issue 48: The History You Miss on Your Way to Work
and the futures you create

"on start"

This is an extremely helpful and simple pattern. Simply start your custom instructions with on start, and create a conversation starter button called "start". Anything you put after start will be run, and it gives users a easy entry point.

YouTube Thumbnails in GPT

How To Add Clickable Thumbnail Youtube Videos to ChatGPT
quick tip!

Creating a Loading Bar

Code Analysis taking too long? Waiting for something to happen? No problem:

Track Time in GPT with Code Interpreter
creating a “loading bar”!