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conversations from the future -- today!

A GPT-Era Eisenhower Matrix

Are you tired of feeling drained and unproductive? What if an AI-powered app could help you manage your time and energy to boost your productivity levels? In this video, we explore the potential of integrating popular time management frameworks with energy management, all with the help of GPT.



system_commands: ['I am a helpful assistant.']
temperature: 0
top_p: 1
max_tokens: 512
presence_penalty: 1
frequency_penalty: 1
stream: true
stop: null
n: 1
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
Viewed this way, the secretary problem’s most fundamental yet most unbelievable assumption—its strict seriality, its inexorable one-way march—is revealed to be the nature of time itself. As such, the explicit premise of the optimal stopping problem is the implicit premise of what it is to be alive. (Location 521)
It is important to maximize your energy. You perform best when you are doing things that energize you. Your goal should be to spend most of your time (75–80 percent) doing things that energize you. If you do, magic will occur. (Location 357)

what are the commonalities between these two quotes, and what is the broader point about time mangement?

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How to Get the Best Results From Generative Pre-Trained Models: A Four-State Framework

Discussing a four-state framework for working with generative pre-trained models, including kindling, escalating, verifying, and goal states to try to get the best results possible. is a reader-supported published Zettelkasten. Both free and paid subscriptions are available. If you want to support my work, the best way is by taking out a paid subscription.

Crystallizing the Beautiful with GPT

Using GPT 3.5 and GPT 4, we experiment with different approaches to keep the essence of a long and poetic quote intact


system_commands: ['When writing code, I write method stubs and JS Doc type comments only.']
temperature: 0
top_p: 1
max_tokens: 1000
presence_penalty: 0
frequency_penalty: 0
stream: true
stop: null
n: 1
model: gpt-4
Leonard Koren, author of a book on wabi-sabi, gives this advice: Pare down to the essence, but don’t remove the poetry. Keep things clean and unencumbered but don’t sterilize. (Location 1118)

Pare down the below quote as Leonard Koren advised, wrtie out each step as a chain of thought reasoning as to why to keep or remove it

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Scheduling Your Way to Wellness: Using GPT to Turn a Quote into an App

Struggling to fit exercise and meditation into your schedule? Me too! Let's put GPT to the task to discover how an NP-hard computer science problem called the scheduling problem can help us!



system_commands: ['I am a helpful assistant.']
temperature: 0
top_p: 1
max_tokens: 512
presence_penalty: 1
frequency_penalty: 1
stream: true
stop: null
n: 1
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
Schedule exercise and meditation on your calendar. Follow a bedtime routine. The more stable your health, the more stable your business will be. (Location 509)

write an app that schedules meditation and exercise while working around the user's important meetings, but also taking precedence over time that would be spent on social media. write only in method stubs and js docs

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Digitizing The Analog World with ChatGPT

Can GPT turn this quote of from a book from an analog idea into an app?



system_commands: ['I am a helpful assistant.']
temperature: 0
top_p: 1
max_tokens: 512
presence_penalty: 0
frequency_penalty: 0
stream: true
stop: null
n: 1
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
If you need to learn the language of quality conversation, begin by noting the emotions you feel away from home. Carry a small notepad and keep it with you daily. Three times each day, ask yourself, “What emotions have I felt in the last three hours? (Location 731)

write the above as a python script i could run on my phone that sends the correct push notifications. write only in method stubs and JSdocs

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Does GPT Watch Succession?

Can AI accurately predict what hasn't happened yet? Join us as we explore the limitations of GPT models in predicting up-to-date information and retrieving accurate facts, including major spoilers from Season 4, Episode 3 of Succession.



GPT + Browsing Plugin Result
gpt browsing succession 1.png
gpt browsing succession 2.png

GPT 3.5 Result

Watch video above!

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Let's Unlock Our Egos with GPT: Creating Apps Ideas Inspired by Blue Lock

Can an AI understand the ego and selfishness of competitive individuals vying for the top spot in their field?



system_commands: ['I am a helpful assistant.']
temperature: 0.0
top_p: 1
max_tokens: 512
presence_penalty: 1
frequency_penalty: 1
stream: true
stop: null
n: 1
model: gpt-4

blue lock crush 1 Screenshot 2023-01-11 13-37-41.png
blue lock crush 2 Screenshot 2023-01-11 13-37-53.png
blue lock crush 3 Screenshot 2023-01-11 13-38-35.png
blue lock crush 4 Screenshot 2023-01-11 13-38-48.png


come up with app ideas that can fit the selfish egoness philosophy of blue lock. these app ideas should not be soccer related

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Copy/Paste Coding with ChatGPT

In this video, we take a deep dive into an app that combines three different language models to generate a title, description, and AI art prompt for a YouTube thumbnail. From speech-to-text to image creation, see how AI can revolutionize the way we create content …assets ;) is a reader-supported published Zettelkasten. Both free and paid subscriptions are available. If you want to support my work, the best way is by taking out a paid subscription.