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The Universal Tool

There is an old adage that “when you have a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail”

There is an old adage that “when you have a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail”.

Is this true? The claim here is that hammers are only good for the purpose of hammering. But what if you are an alien and have never seen the correct use of a hammer, and one day a hammer spontaneously appears in front of you. With some imagination, you may be able to divine the true use case for the hammer. With even more (or less) imagination, you may use the hammer for other things than hammering. Perhaps it can be a paperweight, or the claw could be used to scratch graffiti into concrete, or it could be used to mix a hot bowl of soup (though probably not a great surface to eat said soup off of).

Single use tools like hammers in and of themselves are composed of raw materials that are engineered by creativity to create a particular emergent result. A hammer is 50% a stainless steel hunk of metal, but using your arm to slam that metal into a nail is just asking for an injury. So we use wooden handles (the other 50% of a hammer) to perform as a lever and a counterbalance.

But as people used hammers over time, they realized that the work would cause their palms to get sweaty, so we can append another raw material like rubber, to apply more friction to the handle. And on and on we go. Creativity can directly improve an existing tool, attuning it better to its source problem. This implies that many single use tools actually require a set of components that in isolation are not helpful on their own. A wooden handle is much too weak to set a nail. A metal hunk is too taxing to hammer with efficiently. But together, we have one of humanity’s oldest and most trusted tools, the hammer!

But why stop there? What if we tape a spoon to the bottom of the handle our hammer? Now we can eat that soup we stirred. A flashlight? Now our hammer can hammer nails and illuminate the dark. A car? Now our hammer can go places really fast and we can use the hammer as a monster truck style weapon (badass!). With each single-use tool we add, our Swiss-army hammer becomes more and more useful, gets more and more use cases. Occasionally these use cases are greater than the sum of the parts, as an emergent capability occurs when tools are alchemized.

So, we have experimented with three layers of tool manipulation. We first reimagined what our tool could be if we gave up our preconceived notions of what it should be. Then we realized that even single use tools are made up of inert raw materials. These material alone are useless, but together create a tool. 99% of a car isn’t going to take you on a road trip, just ask all those people stuck by the side of the road when a pivotal car piece breaks down. Finally we examined that we can add other single use tools (which in and of themselves are combination items) to make a combination-combination tool, a single use tool with multiple purposes. The use case of a combination-combination tool is the sum of the tools themselves plus what ever other imagined use cases exist for each, plus imagined use cases for the tools combined.

Let’s finish this hammer journey by imagining the most versatile hammer ever created. A new kind of hammer. A hammer that by itself didn’t really look like anything in particular because it can do everything. Every time you glanced down at the tool in your hand, it magically transforms into something else, like how water conforms to whatever glass it is set in or how a chameleon changes its color based on its environment. What can this hammer do? What can’t it do?

Let’s call this amorphous imagination hammer a universal tool.

A universal tool should be able to:

  1. recruit raw materials to its cause
  2. reshape its current architecture to perform new roles with the same building blocks (improving the same tools); attuning to problems
  3. bend the world around it to create more instances of itself
  4. solve new problems leveraging creativity and imagination

A computer is a universal information tool. is a reader-supported published Zettelkasten. Both free and paid subscriptions are available. If you want to support my work, the best way is by taking out a paid subscription.

Issue 14: Now With (Even) More Science

How should we predict future tech with the lessons of history? How many times do we pay for our choices?

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May 18 2023

8-bit bram, queen charolette, nyu itp, agentic process humans vs bots, voice memos to whisper


8-bit bram
and thats on compressong ong.png
bti cover.png

Bridgerton - Queen Charolette

I am Venus
i am venus 1.png
i am venus 2.png
i am venus 2.5.png
i am venus 3.png
i am venus 4.png


This is great, I recommend!

Transcribing your iOS Voice Memos to Markdown with Whisper - Artur Piszek
I wrote a script to transcribe my apple voice memos to Logseq with OpenAI Whisper.

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Raw Thoughts

Animals unconsciously agent in their environment and change it (overeating resources -- finches for example)

Humans consciously agent their environment and change it (global warming for example)

Programs agent their environment in a feedback loop that is not conscious in the sense of serving the need to eat for survival but not unconscious due to fact that they know what’s going on with access to state of impossibly massive systems (which is why humans get caught off guard by bugs)

If coding with an LLM was painting, gpt serves as the broad strokes applied to the sketch of an artist -- it’s hallucinations serve as the rough edges of the paint stroke on the canvas. The artist meticulously changes a line or two and instead of deciding to paint a mountain in the background he decides to paint a tree and asks the LLM to draw the broad strokes of a tree and to reintegrate the surrounding landscape to make the tree seem like it was always there. But he doesn’t remember the size of a tree so he uses LLM as a reminder of how tall they are what color the bark is how many leaves a tree has, etc. is a reader-supported published Zettelkasten. Both free and paid subscriptions are available. If you want to support my work, the best way is by taking out a paid subscription.

Top Three Apps I'd Delete If You Gave Me Your Phone


I would delete Snapchat, Paramount+, and most dating apps from people's phones. Online dating can be time-consuming and male-dominated, but there are some exceptions like Hinge, which uses a matching algorithm. Cultural differences can also affect how people use dating apps. However, there are some funny and interesting aspects that can emerge from the social game theory of dating apps. A program exists to help clean up phones by deleting unwanted apps.

Top 3 apps I would delete on people's phones:

  1. Snapchat
  2. Paramount +
  3. Most dating apps

Why Dating Apps?

Online dating sucks. You’re much better off trying to meet people in real-life situations, where there is a more reasonable ratio of men and women, you can learn more about people then their favorite vacation spots, and the people have a lot more time to learn more about you too.
Or, you can try meeting people online but not in a surface-level dating-oriented site. Plenty of people formed couples through discord or their favorite video games. Unfortunately my understanding is that most online places are still male-dominated, but hopefully that’s changing as we are becoming a more tech-oriented and women-inclusive society. (View Highlight)
Have you read the cold start problem? The online dating marketplaces optimize for women and the men naturally follow.
Ie. If there were a bunch of single women in any marketplace, men would naturally flock there, like any social media platforms dms
The users for online dating are women, men are the commodity (View Highlight)
I've been thinking about whether friendships could be described as having a purpose beyond personal fulfillment, and I think it shares some parallels with dating. One of modern dating's great albatrosses is the hedonistic treadmill: the Tinder-induced "Welcome to Hell" of meeting, connecting, dating, and ghosting, repeated ad infinitum. Dating around is a perfectly good way to pass the weeks and months and years, but at some point, if you're not committing to something – building towards a "we" that exists outside of yourself – the initial thrill of intimacy begins to take on a saccharine, artificial quality (View Highlight)

In terms of supply and demand, men are very heavily supply side and women are very heavy demand side. Out of any random number of men, women get to "demand" the best partner for them.

Due to how the "approach game" works, men are usually the ones who "open" leaving women to respond to potential options/suitors.

On dating apps, scale starts becomes a factor quickly. Women are virtually approached by a high number of suitors at the same time instead of sequentially, changing the dynamics of the game substantially.


Stability, Hinge

Hinge, one of the hottest dating apps out there, differentiates itself from its rivals like Tinder or Bumble by building a ‘like’ system similar to Instagram which allows its users to ‘like’ another user’s posts or photos, instead of doing simple arbitrary swipe left/right for someone’s entire profile. This article discusses how the Gale–Shapley algorithm, an algorithm that solves The Stable Marriage Problem has been applied to Hinge’s platform. The parallel it draws between how Hinge first compiles a front page for you with people that the algorithm finds most compatible with you and how the show Love Island populate a room full of men and women picking from each other points straight out how the algorithm has been implemented on the front end. (View Highlight)
Just like what we learned in class, a stable marriage contains two individual who both prefer one another, Hinge is always trying to have their users reach that state of stable preferences which could lead to a stable and happy relationship. (View Highlight)
Essentially, this classic matching algorithm from the 60s enables users nowadays to better pursue their love interests and relationships digitally online in a highly effective way. (View Highlight)

Not Just an American Phenomenon

Looks like all the dirt of the city assembles here only,” says a man sitting with his wife and three children under a tree in the Kalindi Kunj Park against the backdrop of the Delhi Eye, a 200-foot-tall ferris wheel.Arun believes it’s the man’s persistence to woo them that matters to most women. “People from my strata don’t have the option to trust anyone quickly. How much a person can wait is ultimately the sign of their interest. We don’t swipe each other on apps,” he says while pointing to a cheap smartphone in his hand. Even though China-made affordable smartphones are making inroads among India’s poor people, dating apps such as Tinder remain the province of wealthier people because of the social stigma associated with dating and premarital sex.“High-profile people like you can go to restaurants or hotels. We have just parks”, says Arun, an 18-year-old commerce student.
Take polyamory. I had a revealing conversation recently with a student at an elite university. He said that when he sets his Tinder radius to five miles, about half of the women, mostly other students, said they were “polyamorous” in their bios. Then, when he extended the radius to 15 miles to include the rest of the city and its outskirts, about half of the women were single mothers. The costs created by the luxury beliefs of the former are borne by the latter. Polyamory is the latest expression of sexual freedom championed by the affluent. They are in a better position to manage the complications of novel relationship arrangements. And if these relationships don’t work out, they can recover thanks to their financial capability and social capital. The less fortunate suffer by adopting the beliefs of the upper class. (View Highlight)

Occasionally Dating Apps Do Indeed Work

So, I downloaded Tinder, in an attempt to prove to myself that I still possessed worldly desires. Resultantly, I met up with a cute girl named Sundae on a lantern-lit patio. (Location 449)

And There Are Some Great Bits That Emerge From The Interactions/Social Game Theory


This program helps you clean up your phone by deleting apps that you may not need. Based on a set of criteria, it deletes Snapchat, Paramount+, and dating apps if you are a man or have had negative experiences with online dating. The updated list of apps is then returned. Try it out and see how it can help declutter your phone!

Implicit Solitary Confinement

Can solitude can actually be a good thing and help us tap into our creative potential?

The boundary between solitude and loneliness is permeable and unstable, after all. (View Highlight)

Note that retirement will intensify the feelings of loneliness 202212212242 -- without having built the skill of solitude.

Do the elderly attain wisdom from their time alone? Those who survive in the social vacuum and are forced to contend with the shape of their thoughts?

The Skill of Solitude

You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts; And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime. (Location 428)
Paradoxically, solitude begets solidarity.  “Labor is a craft, but perfect rest is an art.” (View Highlight)
It’s not even meditating. It’s just sitting there. Zoning the fuck out. Sometimes I meditate. Other times I fall asleep. 100% not judging the process. Not judging the process is key. I try to do it weekly - but realistically it’s like every 2/3 weeks for me. Sometimes it’s one day. Other times, it’s 3. I try to alternate between sabbath and weekend trips/experiences. (View Highlight)

Where boredom lives, creativity is sure to follow.

Profound boredom stems from an abundance of uninterrupted time spent in relative solitude, which can lead to indifference, apathy, and people questioning their sense of self and their existence - but which Heidegger said could also pave the way to more creative thinking and activity. (View Highlight)


This JavaScript program helps users cultivate the skill of solitude and tap into their creative potential. It includes features such as a solitude timer, boredom embracement prompts, a non-judgment zone, a balance tracker, creativity prompts, and a wisdom sharing platform. By embracing solitude and reflecting on their thoughts and emotions, users can gain insights and wisdom, and tap into their creative potential.

A Carhartt Hat in a Tibetan Cafe

Yellow hat on yellow ceiling.
yellow hat yellow cieling.png
